All posts by CCFPA

Nashua CROPwalk

Rebecca Green, who led this year’s Nashua Area CROP Hunger Walk, presented checks to four local hunger fighting agencies. Pictured left to right are Evelyn Verbeck of the St. John Neumann Food Pantry, RoseMarie Dykeman of the Nashua Salvation Army, Rebecca Green, Eileen Brady of the Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter, and Delores Davis of the Corpus Christi Food Pantry. Each agency received $2543.


Thank You Shaw’s Shoppers!

The Pantry recently received a wonderful donation from Shaw’s Supermarket from their “Spirit of Giving Food Drive”. There is a “Spirit of Giving” table located in the Shaw’s store on Main St in Nashua.

Patrons of the supermarket can choose to donate in $5, $10 and $15 increments. This Food Drive will continue until January 2, 2015.

At this time we would like to recognize Shaws for this partnership encompassing corporate and local generosity that funds an important need. All proceeds from this programgo directly to persons in our community. Thank you to all for your support!






Fresh Rescue Program

freshrescuephotoCorpus Christi Food Pantry is a proud partner with NH Food Bank’s Fresh Rescue Program. The Pantry collects fresh meat, poultry, produce and bakery products that would otherwise be disposed of every week from two local supermarkets. These products are offered to clients who come to the Pantry. The Fresh Rescue Program allows people a larger variety of food choices and gives them access to fresh vegetables and fruits.

The two local supermarkets involved in this program are Hannaford and Whole Foods. Hannaford has been working with Corpus Christi Food Pantry for many years providing us with extra food products every Wednesday. Whole Foods is new to the area, but has generously become part of the Fresh Rescue Program. Their delivery day is Monday.

Many thanks to both businesses for helping those in need in Nashua!!

Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scout Project Ethan Harris has completed his Eagle Scout Project for Corpus Christi Food Pantry and Assistance. The garden to the right side of the Chapel was cleared, the shrubs were professionally pruned and new perennial were installed. The garden is truly beautiful! He also painted our client waiting area and added some new bulletin boards. The newly painted interior looks wonderful. A job well done!! A heartfelt thank you to Ethan and his many helpers.scout 1scout3scout 2