All posts by CCFPA

Fresh Rescue Program

freshrescuephotoCorpus Christi Food Pantry is a proud partner with NH Food Bank’s Fresh Rescue Program. The Pantry collects fresh meat, poultry, produce and bakery products that would otherwise be disposed of every week from two local supermarkets. These products are offered to clients who come to the Pantry. The Fresh Rescue Program allows people a larger variety of food choices and gives them access to fresh vegetables and fruits.

The two local supermarkets involved in this program are Hannaford and Whole Foods. Hannaford has been working with Corpus Christi Food Pantry for many years providing us with extra food products every Wednesday. Whole Foods is new to the area, but has generously become part of the Fresh Rescue Program. Their delivery day is Monday.

Many thanks to both businesses for helping those in need in Nashua!!

Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scout Project Ethan Harris has completed his Eagle Scout Project for Corpus Christi Food Pantry and Assistance. The garden to the right side of the Chapel was cleared, the shrubs were professionally pruned and new perennial were installed. The garden is truly beautiful! He also painted our client waiting area and added some new bulletin boards. The newly painted interior looks wonderful. A job well done!! A heartfelt thank you to Ethan and his many helpers.scout 1scout3scout 2

November in Nashua!

cornucopiaNovember 2014 Greetings November is a short month, but we are very busy here at the Pantry. Volunteers are working hard getting ready for the Thanksgiving food pick up for our clients. Two hundred turkeys and dinner fixings will be handed out to clients who have pre-registered.




Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Pick Up Date: Saturday, November 22nd from 10am to noon is the pickup date for clients who registered in October for Thanksgiving dinner supplies.

closed_smallNovember Holiday Hours The Pantry will be closed the week of Thanksgiving, Nov. 24-27


groceriesbagBrown Bag Appeals There have been several successful Brown Bag Appeals this fall. Many thanks to the parishioners from the following churches: St. Christopher’s Church and School, St. Louis, and Immaculate Conception.






EmptyShelves-054-706x469Corner Cupboard This month our Pantry shelves are low on the following items: Pie Crust, Canned Corn, Canned Carrots, Chowder, Canned Peas, Toilet Paper

Autumn in Nashua!

October Greetings

With summer now behind us and as the days get cooler, we move into fall. Families will begin to rely more on our Pantry for assistance and food. The onset of colder days and increased heat and utility costs will tax the resources of many of our clients.

Thanksgiving Food Sign-ups

Clients who have visited our Pantry this year on or before October 1, 2014 are eligible to sign up for Thanksgiving dinner baskets. We will have food for 200 families on a first come, first serve basis.

Dates for sign-ups are:

  • Tuesday, October 14 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday, October 15 from 9 am to 11:30am
  • Thursday, October 16 from 1:00pm to 3:30 pm

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Corpus Christi Food Pantry is participating in the CROP Hunger Walk. Please support us by making a donation and joining us on the Walk. Click Here
for more information or to donate. A percent of the Walk’s proceeds will directly benefit the Pantry.


Corner Cupboard


Our Pantry shelves are low on the following items:

  • Pancake Syrup
  • Creamed Soups
  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpaste
  • Canned Stew
  • Pancake Mix


Assistance Program

Here is an excerpt of a letter from a client of the Assistance program. For this person your generosity made all the difference: “Thank you so much for your help. It is very comforting to see non-judgmental people in the world. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated more than words can say! Your support is helping me through one of the most difficult times of my life and I can’t thank you enough! My only wish is that I will be able to repay you! Thank you again.”

Can you imagine such a feeling of helplessness? The Pantry is here for people in these times when they have nowhere else to turn.


It’s SUMMER! School’s out and we are busy with families and children!

Your donations are always appreciated…

Needed items:
Juice or juice boxes, Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Macaroni and Cheese, Canned Pasta, Ramen Noodles,
Healthy Snacks such as Granola Bars, Fruit snacks, Cereal Bars, Crackers

Always in need of: Toiletry Items – Toothpaste and toothbrushes, Shampoo, hand or bar soap, toilet paper, Kleenex tissue, Sanitary Products, Dish Detergent, Powdered Laundry Detergent

Spring is FINALLY here!

It is spring and the time of year utilities such as PSNH and Liberty Utilities send shut-off notices.  By law, the companies cannot do this during the winter months.  Many of our clients live in rental housing with very poor insulation resulting in high utility bills.   Already living on the economic edge, they come to us for help in preventing the shut-off of services.

Snow Storm – Closed January 2nd!


Closed January 2nd Due to Storm…

For the New Year’s week we had planned to be open Monday and Thursday. However, due to the storm, we will be closed on Thursday January 2nd. It’s difficult for our volunteers to brave the dangerous driving conditions, nor do we want any of our clients to be endangered by the weather. We will reopen on Monday January 6th, and resume our normal schedule.

Happy New Year and blessed 2014 to all!